Sandringham East Primary School
Fun Fresh foods provide fresh food for your children to enjoy at both RECESS AND LUNCHTIME. Our food is made fresh each day with a variety of fun and healthy choices. Baked goods are also available to purchase over the counter at both playtimes.
Fun Fresh Foods Ordering is done online via www.flexischools.com.au
“Flexischools” ordering is safe and convenient. If you already have a Flexischools account, the new menu will be ready for you to order from. If you don’t, then the process of registration is simple and quick…
Click here to get started
Click on Register Button located in the top righthand corner of screen
Submit your email address to create an account.
Go to your Inbox and open the registration email from Flexischools
Click on the link provided
Follow the registration process, creating a password and completing your personal details.
Add Students to your account
Add Credit to your account
Orders need to be placed online before 9am on the required day. Sushi orders need to be placed 10pm the day before you are ordering for - ie; Thursday for Friday. ​
If you require any assistance with getting started online, please do not hesitate to call 1300 361 769 between 8am and 12pm or email help@flexischools.com.au
The tuckshop will be open at both Recess and Lunch for over-the-counter service (cash only). Daily and seasonal specials will be added regularly.
The Fun Fresh Foods team look forward to meeting you all. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us on liz@funfreshfoods.com.au or on Liz’s mobile 0418 577 120.